Calow Church of England (VC) Primary School

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North Road, Calow, Chesterfield, Derbyshire

01246 274370

Calow Church of England (VC) Primary School

'Show your SHINE everywhere' “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven." Matthew 5:16


 After School Clubs Spring Term 1 2025.pdfDownload
 Christmas Meals Letter 2024.pdfDownload
 KS2 Clubs Autumn 2 2024.pdfDownload
 Reception and KS1 Clubs Autumn 2 2024.pdfDownload
 School Dinner Menu Autumn and Winter 2024-2025.jpgDownload
 KS2 Derby Open Centre Visit October 2024.pdfDownload
 NSPCC Letter September 2024.pdfDownload
 Learning Conference Letter October 2024.pdfDownload
 Year 6 Gulliver's Valley Residential Letter.pdfDownload
 Year 3 Lea Green Residential Letter.pdfDownload
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