Calow Church of England (VC) Primary School

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You are GOD's masterpiece 

Ephesian's 2:10


Every Child is an Artist

Pablo Picasso

Our 'big ideas' in Art


Our big ideas in Art are The Environment, Expression and Diversity


We view and celebrate our environment through interpreting, wondering and recreating through an artist’s lens.  Art is an expression made in a visible form and as artists we express, translate and create meaning.  A celebration of difference and diversity is important in Art, as in any other curriculum subject.


These big ideas are explored through the six conceptual threads that weave through our creative and progressive curriculum.


Curriculum Intent

At Calow Church of England (V.C.) Primary School, we value Art and Design as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. Art and Design provides the children with the opportunities to develop and extend skills and an opportunity to express their individual interests, thought and ideas.

Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. They should also know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.

Our curriculum encourages children to explore, build on and record their own creative and imaginative ideas. Creating pictures helps children observe the subject matter of the real-world scene they are drawing from more closely, and makes them better observers of detail in the world around them. Developing observational skills through picture-making facilitates the child’s visual sensitivity to the world.



Although we feel art is integral in our curriculum we feel stand-alone lessons are key to ensuring children make specific connections between yearly units of work which allows clear progress in knowledge and skills.  Our Art’s week allows our community to come together and celebrate art on a larger scale around a specific theme.  You will see from walking around our school, that the staff celebrate children’s Art work in our beautiful displays. We feel it is important that our children know there is a purpose to their work and creations.



Progress over time will be seen in sketch books and final pieces and by building the whole school theme of people, portraits and emotions through each year group. With a structured theme children can clearly see their own progress, evaluate their work year upon year and celebrate their personal drawing journey.

The art leader will monitor the progress of skills by looking at children’s work.  They will hold pupil voice activities to ascertain knowledge and evaluation skills. Displays, learning walks and observations will also feature on the monitoring calendar so that an informed judgment can be made about the art provision and curriculum. We will use this information to adapt and evolve the art curriculum to ensure it is relevant, broad, balanced and progressive.