Calow Church of England (VC) Primary School

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"For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance...and the encouragement they provide we might have hope." (Romans 15:4 NIV)

History at Calow Church of England (V.C.) Primary School has been designed to prepare our pupils, many of those who will live into the next century, for their futures. Through our coherent, progressive and rigorous curriculum, pupils develop knowledge, skills and vocabulary on personal, local, regional, national and global themes within History. Our curriculum has identified the most relevant and meaningful aspects of the National Curriculum which are explored in depth through an enquiry-based scheme. Further to this, our curriculum develops pupils' spiritual connections through exposing them to the development of religion within key historical areas.

Our curriculum is based on a clear and purposeful enquiry so that pupils can combine the application of key subject skills, processes and subject vocabulary with the development of knowledge and understanding. Each enquiry is progressively more challenging, building on prior knowledge, to allow pupils to increase and extend their knowledge of the subject, as well as having the space and time to develop as historians. Each enquiry is aspirational to enable pupils to achieve higher order outcomes as they become more mature learners.

Each enquiry has a key question which at EYFS and key Stage 1 focuses on more closed questions such as “Who”, “What”, Where”, “When” to suit their developmental needs; whereas Key Stage 2 focuses on a more open-ended approach with an emphasis on “Why” and “How”. The key question is underpinned by several ancillary questions which the pupils master in turn as they progress through the investigation. All of the ancillary questions have been carefully designed to take the pupils from the known and familiar in a supportive manner. By the time pupils have completed all stages of the investigation they are in a position to answer the key question. For more information, please see the policy at the bottom of this page. 

Topics covered are:

Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3
Nursery How are we all different and the same? How do we know if something is old or new? What is a journey?
Reception Where do I fit in my family tree? How can things be similar and different? Where did people live in the past?
Year 1 How do our favourite toys and games compare with those of children in the 1960s? How are our homes now different from the past? What is the history of my local area?
Year 2 What does it take to be a great explorer? Who is the greatest history maker? Why was Charles sent to prison?
Year 3 How did the lives of Ancient Britons change during the Stone Age? Who were the Ancient Egyptians and how do we know about them? How do artefacts help us to understand the lives of people in Bronze and Iron Age Britain?
Year 4 How did the arrival of the Romans change Britain? Who were the Anglo-Saxons and how do we know what was important to them? What did the Vikings want and how did Alfred help to stop them getting it?
Year 5 What did we learn from the Ancient Greeks? What was it like to be a child in Derbyshire during the Industrial Revolution? Why did the World Wars happen?
Year 6 Why did the Ancient Maya change the way they lived? Why did Britain once rule the largest empire the world has ever seen? How did the World Wars lead to a Cold War?
 History Curriculum Policy.docxDownload
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