Calow Church of England (VC) Primary School

Your new design will be uploaded in:
Please contact Delivery Team on
0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.


Class teacher: Mrs Oldale

Teaching Assistant: Miss Plastow


Most P.E. lessons will be on Thursdays and Fridays, however sometimes weather or other events may lead to this being altered. For this reason, please send P.E. kits on a Monday so that they are available all week. Children should also be able to remove their earrings or bring tape to cover them and long hair needs to be tied up. 

Please ensure that any blue inhalers are named and in school so that children can use them when they need to.

Any other medication must be handed to the office with a signed administration of medicines form.

For Homelearning, children are encouraged to read as much as possible as well as practising their spellings on Spelling Shed. They should also use Mathletics and Times Tables Rockstars to carry out their Maths homelearning. Homelearning projects will also continue to be sent out on a regular basis.



Our Reflection Area
Our Reflection Area