Calow Church of England (VC) Primary School

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Welcome to Class 4!

Scroll down to see our class twitter page!  

Useful information: 

  • Our class Teaching Assistants are Mrs. Freeman and Mrs.Martin. 
  • Our PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays. Please make sure your child has their PE kits in on these days, earrings need to be taped up or removed and long hair should be tied back. 
  • New spellings are given out each Friday and children should ensure they are learning these for their test the following Friday.
  • Children need to complete at least 10 minutes on Times Table Rockstars each week.  
  • Please ensure your child is reading at home at least 4x a week and has their reading book and reading record in school each day.   




Empire's End - A Roman Story (Voices #4) : Rasheed, Leila:  Books

Our class book this term is Empire's End - A Roman Story by Leila Rasheed.  

In our writing this term the children will be looking at Singular and Plural Nouns, Pronouns, Compound Words and using Adverbs to Express Time and Cause. 

Year 4 Children will then use these grammar skills to write a diary from the perspective of Camilla as well as write their own information texts on Hadrian’s Wall and The Gladiators. Class four are also going to create their own narrative to the picture book ‘Quest’ and write a set of instructions.


Multiplication Timestables Lessons - Australian Curriculum Lessons

Please ensure your child is practicing their times tables at home! All children in Year 4 have to take a TimesTable check at the end of the year. 

Click this link to go to a multiplication check that will be similar to the one your child has to take. Record their scores and see if they can be improved! 

TimesTable Check

Over the course of this term the children will be looking at understanding place value with numbers up to 4 digits. We will then move on to addition and subtraction. Children will understand how to partition numbers using different strategies including place value grids, bar models and part whole models. Children will also use a number line to confidently count forwards and backwards in 10s, 100s and 1000s.



This term, we will be focusing on Animals Including Humans within Science.

Children will describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans.

They will also identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions.

We will also construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators, and prey.


This term our enquiry question is: 

How did the arrival of the Romans change Britain?’

Social class in ancient Rome - Wikipedia

They will be looking at why Emperor Claudius invaded Britain and then how The Romans almost lost control of Britain, focusing on the war with Boudicca. 

We will also research how we know so much about the towns the Romans built in Britain and why the Romans organised gladiatorial games.

See below for a gallery of our SMSC, British Values and Reflection area in class!