Calow Church of England (VC) Primary School

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Welcome to Class Three

Useful information: 


  • Our class teacher is Miss Savage and we are supported by our teaching assistant Mrs Handley. 
  • Our P.E days are Mondays and Wednesdays. Make sure your earrings are removed or covered with tape and, where possible, hair is tied back.
  • Bring your P.E. kit on a Monday and take it home on Friday (incase we have an additional exciting P.E sessions run by visitors).
  • Make sure you read at home daily (for at least 10 minutes) and bring your reading book and record to school everyday. 
  • When you have read your book, you can visit the class or school library to choose your next exciting book!
  • Home learning is set on a Friday and is to be completed by the following Thursday. Tasks include earning coins on Times Table Rock Stars, completing activities on Mathletics, practising spelling patterns on Spelling Shed and reading frequently. 
  • Home learning projects will continue to be set each term.



SMSC in Year Three

Class Topics

In Class Three we will cover a wide range of topics throughout the year. 

Below are the topics we will learn about in Science, History and Geography...

Autumn Term 1 Autumn Term 2 Spring Term 1 Spring Term 2 Summer Term 1 Summer Term 2
Science Rocks Forces and Magnets Animals inc humans Animals inc humans / Plants Plants Light
History  How did the lives of Ancient Britons change during the Stone Age? 

Who were the Ancient Egyptians and how do we know about them?

 How do artefacts help us understand the lives of people in Bronze and Iron Age Britain? 
Geography  Why do some Earthquakes cause more damage than others?  Beyond the Magic Kingdom: what is the Sunshine State really like?  Why do so many people in the world live in megacities?